Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best of the Best

Don't you hate it when you find a great tip or useful advice on writing and leave the blog or website only to never find it again?  I am constantly coming across writing tid bits which help me through various stages of the process.  I needed to create a reference to these nuggets of genius so I don't waste time trying to hunt them down repeatedly.  Maybe you haven't landed on some of these gold mines yet, hopefully the following might help :) 

Best of the Best -- query critiques 

Check out my writing links above for other bits of writing information.  If you know of a great link please share :)


  1. Janice Hardy's Other Side of the Story blog is AMAZING!

  2. Never heard of some of these...Thanks Hope!

  3. I'm going to have to come back and look at the links in depth this weekend, but at least I know right where to find them! Thanks!

  4. Yes, I do hate it when that happens! It's why I created a page on my blog to keep track of all the great and useful blog posts I've stumbled across. I still regret those I've never found again, but at least I'm collecting the rest now!

  5. Aloha Hope,

    So I was working on a query tonight, wanted to take a break, saw you were following me (Mahalo!) and then saw you'd posted some awesome query-related sites.

    Yay for me, but thanks to you:)

  6. Glad these were helpful to some readers :) Thanks Cassie for the blog too, I have read her red flag list and love it!

  7. Kelley sent me by and wow what a great post. Awesome recs! I only know of Query Shark and Mother. Write. Repeat. and they are awesome. I can't wait to check out all the other links. Thanks :)
