Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Around the World in 26 Letters--Utah

Okay Utah, I 've been through your state a few times, three instances with bad luck. 

The first time was on my way to college in Colorado. I was driving along the freeway (Provo area I believe) in our Astro van behind my husband driving the Uhaul when he ran over a blown semi tire with the trailer carrying our Jeep, flipping a humongous strip of rubber up onto my windshield and wrapping around the front fender. Not a good start to our move.

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The next time through Utah, from college in Colorado on my way to Vegas in a friend's car, we ran out of gas in the middle of no where. Her car's gauge told us we had 67 more miles left of fuel when we puttered to the side of the highway. Miles from anything. Without cell service. I won't say how we got out of that situation cause I would die if my children ever did that. Plenty of horror movies have had similar plot lines where the college coeds don't end up safe and sound like Emily and I did, or in one piece. We were stuck some place that looked like this...

The third time, another trip home from spring break back to college in Colorado (maybe college in Colorado was the bad luck instead of Utah and the state was just in the way), we stopped so one of the guys could take a pee break on the side of the road and some how my husband's wallet fell out of the van, never to be seen again. It's now somewhere like this...

I realize there are a ton of amazing writers living in Utah so it obviously can't be all that bad :) One day, I may have to take a trip there again and give the state a chance to redeem itself because I would really like to visit here...


Possibly to visit this gal I know who lives there, an FFF rendezvous...


  1. Wow, you really have had bad luck with Utah! I have visited the state a few times and I really thought it was beautiful...but that's easy for me to say when I never had any untoward vehicular incidents there!

  2. Good Luck on your next target place. That is really beautiful. Don't count bad luck much, they don't happen as often as good lucks. Exercise caution always!

  3. I've been there once or twice, but with no incident, so that's good. Sorry it's been bad for you.

    One of my good friends is moving there next month and I'm so sad. :(

  4. Oh my gosh! That pic of the road sign there... The West Valley exit... That's how you get to my house!!!

    Next time you are here :)

  5. I live in Utah! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'm a transplant, so maybe people who have been here forever feel differently. I LOVE the mountains. They inspire me :)

  6. We meet in Portland, and take turns driving. We are SO going to Utah. Kelley can meet us there. Poor Jade, she lives so far away. ;0( Maybe next year for Storymakers.

  7. I've only been in the Salt Lake City area, and I so wanted to visit further south. Now that my kids are older, we plan to take them camping more, and so all the state parks are possibilities!

  8. Oh man! Too many bad instances for Utah. There's a whole lot of nothing through the middle of the state. However - you definitely need to hit Northern Utah to visit all your writer buds, and visit Zion National Park & Arches National Park in southern Utah. :) You won't regret it.

  9. Amazingly, Utah is only one of 9 states I've never stepped foot in! I'd like to, though. It's a gorgeous state.

  10. Oh yeah, Moab, Utah is amazing... like another planet. I helped my college roomate move from FLA to CO years ago and wow, what a drive. In January in CO the heater went out in the passenger side of her car and I froze my butt off. It was like 11 degrees or something and I couldn't feel my legs. Oy. Bad memories of that, but plenty of great memories of CO. It's such beautiful state!

  11. Never been to Utah, but I've heard there's some pretty stuff to see there.
