First Monday of June already! Can you believe it? Half way through Insecure posts for the year, wow! Hop over to
Alex J Cavanaugh's blog to join in or just make yourself feel more connected by reading other writers' insecurities. Believe me, you're not alone! We're all riddled with doubt and frustration and confusion at some point or another :)
Editing--the never ending war between me and my writing. Ever feel like as soon as you fix one problem in your manuscript, another one springs up? It's as if battling dandelions. I swear, if I highlighted all the things I've worked on in my ms with a yellow highlighter, laid out the papers around my yard, it would look just like this ==>
As I go through my WiP, I come across something sounding a little too
cliche, so I swap it out for a new description using the word
my. Uh oh, I know I already have too many
my's. Now I need to take some of those out. Switching a few around, I decide to start the
my sentence with
I and notice I started with an
I two paragraphs down. Oh no! Okay, what can I start this sentence with that isn't
my or
I? I know, let's start it with and action, like walk
ing. Crap! The next sentence starts with stand
ing! I can't use another
ing here!
Maybe if I had a ginormous bottle of this stuff, all those darned dandelions would stop popping up! Do they make something like this for writers?
I know this is one of those building moments, where working through the error of my ways is actually making my writing stronger because
I know the next time I sit down to write a new story, I won't have these same errors to fix.
I know I will have learned from my tedious mistakes and grown as a writer. Hopefully without the dandelions.
There is one good thing about these lovely weeds that turn your hands yellow, attract slugs, and put big divots in your lawn when trying to defeat them. They turn into wishes. So go ahead, blow...
and make a wish :)