In the wealthy town of Sundale, Kelli Pinkins has hatched the perfect plan to capitalize on her sweet reputation. For a generous fee, she will be every trust-fund baby’s dream: a Friday-night alibi, the “girlfriend” or “BFF” that parents dream about. With college approaching in the fall, Kelli’s services are in demand more than ever, which means that her social life is nonexistent. But Kelli is A-okay with that. She’s raking in cash for school. Besides, relationships are tricky, and sometimes very messy. She’d rather be at home on Xbox LIVE, anyway. Then the unexpected happens: She meets college stud Chase Maroney.
Chase isn’t like the preppy, privileged guys Kelli usually meets in Sundale. For starters, he’s twentysomething, always wears black., and he shoots back one-liners as fast as she can dish them out. But Kelli’s attempts to drive Chase away falter when she realizes that he treats her like he really knows her, like he cares about knowing her. When Kelli finally gives in to the delicious kiss she’s been fighting for so long, she faces a tough decision: make Chase a real-life boyfriend and risk her heart . . . or keep her clients and lose her first true love.
Cassie Mae and I have come up with our own cast of Friday Night Alibi's characters for when it becomes a blockbuster movie :)
It’s time to cast my characters for FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI! Hope is a big movie buff, so I knew this is exactly what I wanted to do for her blog stop.
Her picks are first (and in blue), mine second (descriptions in black).
Kelli Pinkins aka Kel, Stinkins, Stinky
Our leading lady, Kelli Pinkins:
Sweet with a quick wit and a bit of fire, goes from hanging out at home playing video games because she's 'busy' being someone's alibi, to kicking butt on the tennis court, to having her best friend's back. And thanks to an unfortunate gum incident, she has to chop her blonde locks off in order to sport short hair she despises. Hayden Panattiere fit well :)
Chelsea Kane--Rocking the short blonde hair, and she’s got that spunk that Kelli has.
My favorite line of Kelli’s: “You come any closer and I’ll chop off a nut.”
Sadie Poulson aka Sades
Next up is my MC’s best friend Sadie Poulsen.
Kelli's best friend, fun loving, tries to get her bestie to be social, often uses her big doe eyes to win, always has Kel's best interests at heart (even if it doesn't come across that way sometimes). The eyes made me choose Sarah Hyland.
Brittany Snow--I was looking at people for Alex, and Brittany and Freddie were in Pitch Perfect together, and actually, Brittany is super adorable and so perfect for Sadie.
My favorite Sadie line: “You have the ‘glow.’ Like the one people usually say when couples do the nasty? I know, I know, you haven’t slept with him. I’m saying, I think that glow is often mistaken. I mean, hookers don’t glow do they? Unless they’re under a blacklight.”
Chase Moroney aka Moron aka ... (can't give it away)
Now, for the main man, Chase Moroney.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt--I mean, who else? Yes, I went with the obvious choice, since Kelli describes Chase as a JGL look-alike. With scruff ;)
My favorite line of Chase’s: “Just so you know, I’ve never touched someone like that either.”

Alex Finnigan
We'll end with Alex Finnigan:
The alibiee? Not sure the correct term for him, but he's Kelli's most popular client. She alibis for him almost every weekend. He's a good boy who blurs the lines for Kelli. Is she just his alibi? Or is she more? Sterling Knight just looks like a sweet, parent-pleaser.
Freddie Stroma (You all knew I’d get a Harry Potter character in my casting ;))--My favorite line of Alex’s: “Thanks for that. Now I have even more to fear about something happening to . . . that area of my body.”
There you go! Thank you to Hope for letting me push my way on her blog for
my blog tour! You rock, woman. And don’t forget to check out FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI! ;) Mwa!
This is on the Goodreads page--gives me chills every time!
So, if you haven't read it yet, it's a MUST! Go get your copy and I promise you'll enjoy it :) Then let us know who you'd cast in the movie.